use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity mux_4t1 is
port (
in0 : in std_logic;
in1 : in std_logic;
in2 : in std_logic;
in3 : in std_logic;
sel1 : in std_logic;
sel0 : in std_logic;
output : out std_logic);
end mux_4t1;
architecture mux_4t1_ar of mux_4t1 is
signal temp1,temp2,temp3,temp4 : std_logic;
begin -- mux_4t1_ar
temp1 <= in0 and(not sel1)and(not sel0);
temp2 <= in1 and(not sel1)and(not sel0);
temp3 <= in3 and sel1 and sel0;
temp4 <= in2 and sel1 and (not sel0);
output <= temp1 or temp2 or temp3 or temp4;
end mux_4t1_ar;
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